Source code for hypothesis.core

# coding=utf-8
# This file is part of Hypothesis, which may be found at
# Most of this work is copyright (C) 2013-2018 David R. MacIver
# (, but it contains contributions by others. See
# CONTRIBUTING.rst for a full list of people who may hold copyright, and
# consult the git log if you need to determine who owns an individual
# contribution.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License,
# v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can
# obtain one at

"""This module provides the core primitives of Hypothesis, such as given."""

from __future__ import division, print_function, absolute_import

import os
import ast
import sys
import time
import zlib
import base64
import inspect
import warnings
import traceback
import contextlib
from random import Random
from unittest import TestCase

import attr
from coverage import CoverageData
from coverage.files import canonical_filename
from coverage.collector import Collector

import hypothesis.strategies as st
from hypothesis.errors import Flaky, Timeout, NoSuchExample, \
    Unsatisfiable, DidNotReproduce, InvalidArgument, DeadlineExceeded, \
    MultipleFailures, FailedHealthCheck, HypothesisWarning, \
    UnsatisfiedAssumption, HypothesisDeprecationWarning
from hypothesis.control import BuildContext
from hypothesis.version import __version__
from hypothesis._settings import Phase, Verbosity, HealthCheck, \
from hypothesis._settings import settings as Settings
from hypothesis._settings import note_deprecation
from hypothesis.executors import new_style_executor
from hypothesis.reporting import report, verbose_report, current_verbosity
from hypothesis.statistics import note_engine_for_statistics
from hypothesis.internal.compat import ceil, hbytes, qualname, \
    str_to_bytes, benchmark_time, get_type_hints, getfullargspec, \
    int_from_bytes, encoded_filepath, bad_django_TestCase
from hypothesis.internal.coverage import IN_COVERAGE_TESTS
from hypothesis.utils.conventions import infer, not_set
from hypothesis.internal.escalation import is_hypothesis_file, \
from hypothesis.internal.reflection import is_mock, proxies, nicerepr, \
    arg_string, impersonate, function_digest, fully_qualified_name, \
    define_function_signature, convert_positional_arguments, \
from hypothesis.internal.healthcheck import fail_health_check
from import StopTest, ConjectureData
from hypothesis.searchstrategy.strategies import SearchStrategy
from hypothesis.internal.conjecture.engine import ExitReason, \
    ConjectureRunner, sort_key

    from coverage.tracer import CFileDisposition as FileDisposition
except ImportError:  # pragma: no cover
    from coverage.collector import FileDisposition

if False:
    from typing import Any, Dict, Callable, Optional  # noqa

running_under_pytest = False
global_force_seed = None

def new_random():
    import random
    return random.Random(random.getrandbits(128))

class Example(object):
    args = attr.ib()
    kwargs = attr.ib()

[docs]def example(*args, **kwargs): """A decorator which ensures a specific example is always tested.""" if args and kwargs: raise InvalidArgument( 'Cannot mix positional and keyword arguments for examples' ) if not (args or kwargs): raise InvalidArgument( 'An example must provide at least one argument' ) def accept(test): if not hasattr(test, 'hypothesis_explicit_examples'): test.hypothesis_explicit_examples = [] test.hypothesis_explicit_examples.append(Example(tuple(args), kwargs)) return test return accept
[docs]def seed(seed): """seed: Start the test execution from a specific seed. May be any hashable object. No exact meaning for seed is provided other than that for a fixed seed value Hypothesis will try the same actions (insofar as it can given external sources of non- determinism. e.g. timing and hash randomization). Overrides the derandomize setting, which is designed to enable deterministic builds rather than reproducing observed failures. """ def accept(test): test._hypothesis_internal_use_seed = seed return test return accept
[docs]def reproduce_failure(version, blob): """Run the example that corresponds to this data blob in order to reproduce a failure. A test with this decorator *always* runs only one example and always fails. If the provided example does not cause a failure, or is in some way invalid for this test, then this will fail with a DidNotReproduce error. This decorator is not intended to be a permanent addition to your test suite. It's simply some code you can add to ease reproduction of a problem in the event that you don't have access to the test database. Because of this, *no* compatibility guarantees are made between different versions of Hypothesis - its API may change arbitrarily from version to version. """ def accept(test): test._hypothesis_internal_use_reproduce_failure = (version, blob) return test return accept
def encode_failure(buffer): buffer = bytes(buffer) compressed = zlib.compress(buffer) if len(compressed) < len(buffer): buffer = b'\1' + compressed else: buffer = b'\0' + buffer return base64.b64encode(buffer) def decode_failure(blob): try: buffer = base64.b64decode(blob) except Exception: raise InvalidArgument('Invalid base64 encoded string: %r' % (blob,)) prefix = buffer[:1] if prefix == b'\0': return buffer[1:] elif prefix == b'\1': return zlib.decompress(buffer[1:]) else: raise InvalidArgument( 'Could not decode blob %r: Invalid start byte %r' % ( blob, prefix )) class WithRunner(SearchStrategy): def __init__(self, base, runner): assert runner is not None self.base = base self.runner = runner def do_draw(self, data): data.hypothesis_runner = self.runner return self.base.do_draw(data) def is_invalid_test( name, original_argspec, generator_arguments, generator_kwargs ): def invalid(message): def wrapped_test(*arguments, **kwargs): raise InvalidArgument(message) return wrapped_test if not (generator_arguments or generator_kwargs): return invalid( 'given must be called with at least one argument') if generator_arguments and any([original_argspec.varargs, original_argspec.varkw, original_argspec.kwonlyargs]): return invalid( 'positional arguments to @given are not supported with varargs, ' 'varkeywords, or keyword-only arguments' ) if len(generator_arguments) > len(original_argspec.args): return invalid(( 'Too many positional arguments for %s() (got %d but' ' expected at most %d') % ( name, len(generator_arguments), len(original_argspec.args))) if infer in generator_arguments: return invalid('infer was passed as a positional argument to @given, ' 'but may only be passed as a keyword argument') if generator_arguments and generator_kwargs: return invalid( 'cannot mix positional and keyword arguments to @given' ) extra_kwargs = [ k for k in generator_kwargs if k not in original_argspec.args + original_argspec.kwonlyargs ] if extra_kwargs and not original_argspec.varkw: return invalid( '%s() got an unexpected keyword argument %r' % ( name, extra_kwargs[0] )) for a in original_argspec.args: if isinstance(a, list): # pragma: no cover return invalid(( 'Cannot decorate function %s() because it has ' 'destructuring arguments') % ( name, )) if original_argspec.defaults or original_argspec.kwonlydefaults: return invalid('Cannot apply @given to a function with defaults.') missing = [repr(kw) for kw in original_argspec.kwonlyargs if kw not in generator_kwargs] if missing: raise InvalidArgument('Missing required kwarg{}: {}'.format( 's' if len(missing) > 1 else '', ', '.join(missing))) def execute_explicit_examples( test_runner, test, wrapped_test, settings, arguments, kwargs ): original_argspec = getfullargspec(test) for example in reversed(getattr( wrapped_test, 'hypothesis_explicit_examples', () )): example_kwargs = dict(original_argspec.kwonlydefaults or {}) if example.args: if len(example.args) > len(original_argspec.args): raise InvalidArgument( 'example has too many arguments for test. ' 'Expected at most %d but got %d' % ( len(original_argspec.args), len(example.args))) example_kwargs.update(dict(zip( original_argspec.args[-len(example.args):], example.args ))) else: example_kwargs.update(example.kwargs) if Phase.explicit not in settings.phases: continue example_kwargs.update(kwargs) # Note: Test may mutate arguments and we can't rerun explicit # examples, so we have to calculate the failure message at this # point rather than than later. example_string = '%s(%s)' % ( test.__name__, arg_string(test, arguments, example_kwargs) ) try: with BuildContext(None) as b: if settings.verbosity >= Verbosity.verbose: report('Trying example: ' + example_string) test_runner( None, lambda data: test(*arguments, **example_kwargs) ) except BaseException: report('Falsifying example: ' + example_string) for n in b.notes: report(n) raise def get_random_for_wrapped_test(test, wrapped_test): settings = wrapped_test._hypothesis_internal_use_settings wrapped_test._hypothesis_internal_use_generated_seed = None if wrapped_test._hypothesis_internal_use_seed is not None: return Random( wrapped_test._hypothesis_internal_use_seed) elif settings.derandomize: return Random(int_from_bytes(function_digest(test))) elif global_force_seed is not None: return Random(global_force_seed) else: import random seed = random.getrandbits(128) wrapped_test._hypothesis_internal_use_generated_seed = seed return Random(seed) def process_arguments_to_given( wrapped_test, arguments, kwargs, generator_arguments, generator_kwargs, argspec, test, settings ): selfy = None arguments, kwargs = convert_positional_arguments( wrapped_test, arguments, kwargs) # If the test function is a method of some kind, the bound object # will be the first named argument if there are any, otherwise the # first vararg (if any). if argspec.args: selfy = kwargs.get(argspec.args[0]) elif arguments: selfy = arguments[0] # Ensure that we don't mistake mocks for self here. # This can cause the mock to be used as the test runner. if is_mock(selfy): selfy = None test_runner = new_style_executor(selfy) arguments = tuple(arguments) search_strategy = st.tuples( st.just(arguments), st.fixed_dictionaries(generator_kwargs).map( lambda args: dict(args, **kwargs) ) ) if selfy is not None: search_strategy = WithRunner(search_strategy, selfy) search_strategy.validate() return arguments, kwargs, test_runner, search_strategy def skip_exceptions_to_reraise(): """Return a tuple of exceptions meaning 'skip this test', to re-raise. This is intended to cover most common test runners; if you would like another to be added please open an issue or pull request. """ import unittest # This is a set because nose may simply re-export unittest.SkipTest exceptions = set([unittest.SkipTest]) try: # pragma: no cover from unittest2 import SkipTest exceptions.add(SkipTest) except ImportError: pass try: # pragma: no cover from pytest.runner import Skipped exceptions.add(Skipped) except ImportError: pass try: # pragma: no cover from nose import SkipTest as NoseSkipTest exceptions.add(NoseSkipTest) except ImportError: pass return tuple(sorted(exceptions, key=str)) exceptions_to_reraise = skip_exceptions_to_reraise() def new_given_argspec(original_argspec, generator_kwargs): """Make an updated argspec for the wrapped test.""" new_args = [a for a in original_argspec.args if a not in generator_kwargs] new_kwonlyargs = [a for a in original_argspec.kwonlyargs if a not in generator_kwargs] annots = {k: v for k, v in original_argspec.annotations.items() if k in new_args + new_kwonlyargs} annots['return'] = None return original_argspec._replace( args=new_args, kwonlyargs=new_kwonlyargs, annotations=annots) ROOT = os.path.dirname(__file__) STDLIB = os.path.dirname(os.__file__) def hypothesis_check_include(filename): # pragma: no cover if is_hypothesis_file(filename): return False return filename.endswith('.py') def escalate_warning(msg, slug=None): # pragma: no cover if slug is not None: msg = '%s (%s)' % (msg, slug) raise AssertionError( 'Unexpected warning from coverage: %s' % (msg,) ) class Arc(object): __slots__ = ('filename', 'source', 'target') def __init__(self, filename, source, target): self.filename = filename self.source = source = target ARC_CACHE = {} # type: Dict[str, Dict[Any, Dict[Any, Arc]]] def arc(filename, source, target): try: return ARC_CACHE[filename][source][target] except KeyError: result = Arc(filename, source, target) ARC_CACHE.setdefault( filename, {}).setdefault(source, {})[target] = result return result in_given = False FORCE_PURE_TRACER = os.getenv('HYPOTHESIS_FORCE_PURE_TRACER') == 'true' class StateForActualGivenExecution(object): def __init__( self, test_runner, search_strategy, test, settings, random, had_seed ): self.test_runner = test_runner self.search_strategy = search_strategy self.settings = settings self.last_exception = None self.falsifying_examples = () self.__was_flaky = False self.random = random self.__warned_deadline = False self.__existing_collector = None self.__test_runtime = None self.__had_seed = had_seed self.test = test self.coverage_data = CoverageData() self.files_to_propagate = set() self.failed_normally = False self.used_examples_from_database = False if settings.use_coverage and not IN_COVERAGE_TESTS: # pragma: no cover if Collector._collectors: parent = Collector._collectors[-1] # We include any files the collector has already decided to # trace whether or not on re-investigation we still think it # wants to trace them. The reason for this is that in some # cases coverage gets the wrong answer when we run it # ourselves due to reasons that are our fault but are hard to # fix (we lie about where certain functions come from). # This causes us to not record the actual test bodies as # covered. But if we intended to trace test bodies then the # file must already have been traced when getting to this point # and so will already be in the collector's data. Hence we can # use that information to get the correct answer here. # See issue 997 for more context. self.files_to_propagate = set( self.hijack_collector(parent) self.collector = Collector( branch=True, timid=FORCE_PURE_TRACER, should_trace=self.should_trace, check_include=hypothesis_check_include, concurrency='thread', warn=escalate_warning, ) self.collector.reset() # Hide the other collectors from this one so it doesn't attempt to # pause them (we're doing trace function management ourselves so # this will just cause problems). self.collector._collectors = [] else: self.collector = None def execute( self, data, print_example=False, is_final=False, expected_failure=None, collect=False, ): text_repr = [None] if self.settings.deadline is None: test = self.test else: @proxies(self.test) def test(*args, **kwargs): self.__test_runtime = None initial_draws = len(data.draw_times) start = benchmark_time() result = self.test(*args, **kwargs) finish = benchmark_time() internal_draw_time = sum(data.draw_times[initial_draws:]) runtime = (finish - start - internal_draw_time) * 1000 self.__test_runtime = runtime if self.settings.deadline is not_set: if ( not self.__warned_deadline and runtime >= 200 ): self.__warned_deadline = True note_deprecation(( 'Test took %.2fms to run. In future the default ' 'deadline setting will be 200ms, which will ' 'make this an error. You can set deadline to ' 'an explicit value of e.g. %d to turn tests ' 'slower than this into an error, or you can set ' 'it to None to disable this check entirely.') % ( runtime, ceil(runtime / 100) * 100, )) else: current_deadline = self.settings.deadline if not is_final: current_deadline *= 1.25 if runtime >= current_deadline: raise DeadlineExceeded(runtime, self.settings.deadline) return result def run(data): if not hasattr(data, 'can_reproduce_example_from_repr'): data.can_reproduce_example_from_repr = True with self.settings: with BuildContext(data, is_final=is_final): import random as rnd_module rnd_module.seed(0) args, kwargs = data.draw(self.search_strategy) if expected_failure is not None: text_repr[0] = arg_string(test, args, kwargs) if print_example: example = '%s(%s)' % ( test.__name__, arg_string(test, args, kwargs)) try: ast.parse(example) except SyntaxError: data.can_reproduce_example_from_repr = False report('Falsifying example: %s' % (example,)) elif current_verbosity() >= Verbosity.verbose: report( lambda: 'Trying example: %s(%s)' % ( test.__name__, arg_string(test, args, kwargs))) if self.collector is None or not collect: return test(*args, **kwargs) else: # pragma: no cover try: self.collector.start() return test(*args, **kwargs) finally: self.collector.stop() result = self.test_runner(data, run) if expected_failure is not None: exception, traceback = expected_failure if ( isinstance( exception, DeadlineExceeded ) and self.__test_runtime is not None ): report(( 'Unreliable test timings! On an initial run, this ' 'test took %.2fms, which exceeded the deadline of ' '%.2fms, but on a subsequent run it took %.2f ms, ' 'which did not. If you expect this sort of ' 'variability in your test timings, consider turning ' 'deadlines off for this test by setting deadline=None.' ) % ( exception.runtime, self.settings.deadline, self.__test_runtime )) else: report( 'Failed to reproduce exception. Expected: \n' + traceback, ) self.__flaky(( 'Hypothesis %s(%s) produces unreliable results: Falsified' ' on the first call but did not on a subsequent one' ) % (test.__name__, text_repr[0],)) return result def should_trace(self, original_filename, frame): # pragma: no cover disp = FileDisposition() assert original_filename is not None disp.original_filename = original_filename disp.canonical_filename = encoded_filepath( canonical_filename(original_filename)) disp.source_filename = disp.canonical_filename disp.reason = '' disp.file_tracer = None disp.has_dynamic_filename = False disp.trace = hypothesis_check_include(disp.canonical_filename) if not disp.trace: disp.reason = 'hypothesis internal reasons' elif self.__existing_collector is not None: check = self.__existing_collector.should_trace( original_filename, frame) if check.trace: self.files_to_propagate.add(check.canonical_filename) return disp def hijack_collector(self, collector): # pragma: no cover self.__existing_collector = collector original_save_data = collector.save_data def save_data(covdata): original_save_data(covdata) if collector.branch: covdata.add_arcs({ filename: { arc: None for arc in self.coverage_data.arcs(filename) or ()} for filename in self.files_to_propagate }) else: covdata.add_lines({ filename: { line: None for line in self.coverage_data.lines(filename) or ()} for filename in self.files_to_propagate }) collector.save_data = original_save_data collector.save_data = save_data def evaluate_test_data(self, data): try: if self.collector is None: result = self.execute(data) else: # pragma: no cover # This should always be a no-op, but the coverage tracer has # a bad habit of resurrecting itself. original = sys.gettrace() sys.settrace(None) try: = {} result = self.execute(data, collect=True) finally: sys.settrace(original) covdata = CoverageData() self.collector.save_data(covdata) self.coverage_data.update(covdata) for filename in covdata.measured_files(): if is_hypothesis_file(filename): continue data.tags.update( arc(filename, source, target) for source, target in covdata.arcs(filename) ) if result is not None: fail_health_check(self.settings, ( 'Tests run under @given should return None, but ' '%s returned %r instead.' ) % (self.test.__name__, result), HealthCheck.return_value) return False except UnsatisfiedAssumption: data.mark_invalid() except ( HypothesisDeprecationWarning, FailedHealthCheck, StopTest, ) + exceptions_to_reraise: raise except Exception as e: escalate_hypothesis_internal_error() data.__expected_traceback = traceback.format_exc() data.__expected_exception = e verbose_report(data.__expected_traceback) error_class, _, tb = sys.exc_info() origin = traceback.extract_tb(tb)[-1] filename = origin[0] lineno = origin[1] data.mark_interesting((error_class, filename, lineno)) def run(self): # Tell pytest to omit the body of this function from tracebacks __tracebackhide__ = True if global_force_seed is None: database_key = str_to_bytes(fully_qualified_name(self.test)) else: database_key = None self.start_time = time.time() global in_given runner = ConjectureRunner( self.evaluate_test_data, settings=self.settings, random=self.random, database_key=database_key, ) if in_given or self.collector is None: else: # pragma: no cover in_given = True original_trace = sys.gettrace() try: sys.settrace(None) finally: in_given = False sys.settrace(original_trace) self.used_examples_from_database = \ runner.used_examples_from_database note_engine_for_statistics(runner) run_time = time.time() - self.start_time self.used_examples_from_database = runner.used_examples_from_database if runner.used_examples_from_database: if self.settings.derandomize: note_deprecation( 'In future derandomize will imply database=None, but your ' 'test is currently using examples from the database. To ' 'get the future behaviour, update your settings to ' 'include database=None.' ) if self.__had_seed: note_deprecation( 'In future use of @seed will imply database=None in your ' 'settings, but your test is currently using examples from ' 'the database. To get the future behaviour, update your ' 'settings for this test to include database=None.' ) timed_out = runner.exit_reason == ExitReason.timeout if runner.call_count == 0: return if runner.interesting_examples: self.falsifying_examples = sorted( [d for d in runner.interesting_examples.values()], key=lambda d: sort_key(d.buffer), reverse=True ) else: if timed_out: note_deprecation(( 'Your tests are hitting the settings timeout (%.2fs). ' 'This functionality will go away in a future release ' 'and you should not rely on it. Instead, try setting ' 'max_examples to be some value lower than %d (the number ' 'of examples your test successfully ran here). Or, if you ' 'would prefer your tests to run to completion, regardless ' 'of how long they take, you can set the timeout value to ' 'hypothesis.unlimited.' ) % ( self.settings.timeout, runner.valid_examples), self.settings) if runner.valid_examples == 0: if timed_out: raise Timeout(( 'Ran out of time before finding a satisfying ' 'example for %s. Only found %d examples in %.2fs.' ) % ( get_pretty_function_description(self.test), runner.valid_examples, run_time )) else: raise Unsatisfiable( 'Unable to satisfy assumptions of hypothesis %s.' % (get_pretty_function_description(self.test),) ) if not self.falsifying_examples: return self.failed_normally = True flaky = 0 for falsifying_example in self.falsifying_examples: ran_example = ConjectureData.for_buffer(falsifying_example.buffer) self.__was_flaky = False assert falsifying_example.__expected_exception is not None try: self.execute( ran_example, print_example=True, is_final=True, expected_failure=( falsifying_example.__expected_exception, falsifying_example.__expected_traceback, ) ) except (UnsatisfiedAssumption, StopTest): report(traceback.format_exc()) self.__flaky( 'Unreliable assumption: An example which satisfied ' 'assumptions on the first run now fails it.' ) except BaseException: if len(self.falsifying_examples) <= 1: raise report(traceback.format_exc()) finally: # pragma: no cover # This section is in fact entirely covered by the tests in # test_reproduce_failure, but it seems to trigger a lovely set # of coverage bugs: The branches show up as uncovered (despite # definitely being covered - you can add an assert False else # branch to verify this and see it fail - and additionally the # second branch still complains about lack of coverage even if # you add a pragma: no cover to it! # See if self.settings.print_blob is not PrintSettings.NEVER: failure_blob = encode_failure(falsifying_example.buffer) # Have to use the example we actually ran, not the original # falsifying example! Otherwise we won't catch problems # where the repr of the generated example doesn't parse. can_use_repr = ran_example.can_reproduce_example_from_repr if ( self.settings.print_blob is PrintSettings.ALWAYS or ( self.settings.print_blob is PrintSettings.INFER and not can_use_repr and len(failure_blob) < 200 ) ): report(( '\n' 'You can reproduce this example by temporarily ' 'adding @reproduce_failure(%r, %r) as a decorator ' 'on your test case') % ( __version__, failure_blob,)) if self.__was_flaky: flaky += 1 # If we only have one example then we should have raised an error or # flaky prior to this point. assert len(self.falsifying_examples) > 1 if flaky > 0: raise Flaky(( 'Hypothesis found %d distinct failures, but %d of them ' 'exhibited some sort of flaky behaviour.') % ( len(self.falsifying_examples), flaky)) else: raise MultipleFailures(( 'Hypothesis found %d distinct failures.') % ( len(self.falsifying_examples,))) def __flaky(self, message): if len(self.falsifying_examples) <= 1: raise Flaky(message) else: self.__was_flaky = True report('Flaky example! ' + message) @contextlib.contextmanager def fake_subTest(self, msg=None, **__): """Monkeypatch for `unittest.TestCase.subTest` during `@given`. If we don't patch this out, each failing example is reported as a seperate failing test by the unittest test runner, which is obviously incorrect. We therefore replace it for the duration with this version. """ warnings.warn( 'subTest per-example reporting interacts badly with Hypothesis ' 'trying hundreds of examples, so we disable it for the duration of ' 'any test that uses `@given`.', HypothesisWarning, stacklevel=2 ) yield
[docs]def given(*given_arguments, **given_kwargs): # type: (*SearchStrategy, **SearchStrategy) -> Callable """A decorator for turning a test function that accepts arguments into a randomized test. This is the main entry point to Hypothesis. """ def run_test_with_generator(test): if hasattr(test, '_hypothesis_internal_test_function_without_warning'): # Pull out the original test function to avoid the warning we # stuck in about using @settings without @given. test = test._hypothesis_internal_test_function_without_warning if inspect.isclass(test): # Provide a meaningful error to users, instead of exceptions from # internals that assume we're dealing with a function. raise InvalidArgument('@given cannot be applied to a class.') generator_arguments = tuple(given_arguments) generator_kwargs = dict(given_kwargs) original_argspec = getfullargspec(test) check_invalid = is_invalid_test( test.__name__, original_argspec, generator_arguments, generator_kwargs) if check_invalid is not None: return check_invalid for name, strategy in zip(reversed(original_argspec.args), reversed(generator_arguments)): generator_kwargs[name] = strategy argspec = new_given_argspec(original_argspec, generator_kwargs) @impersonate(test) @define_function_signature( test.__name__, test.__doc__, argspec ) def wrapped_test(*arguments, **kwargs): # Tell pytest to omit the body of this function from tracebacks __tracebackhide__ = True if getattr(test, 'is_hypothesis_test', False): note_deprecation( 'You have applied @given to a test more than once. In ' 'future this will be an error. Applying @given twice ' 'wraps the test twice, which can be extremely slow. A ' 'similar effect can be gained by combining the arguments ' 'of the two calls to given. For example, instead of ' '@given(booleans()) @given(integers()), you could write ' '@given(booleans(), integers())' ) settings = wrapped_test._hypothesis_internal_use_settings random = get_random_for_wrapped_test(test, wrapped_test) if infer in generator_kwargs.values(): hints = get_type_hints(test) for name in [name for name, value in generator_kwargs.items() if value is infer]: if name not in hints: raise InvalidArgument( 'passed %s=infer for %s, but %s has no type annotation' % (name, test.__name__, name)) generator_kwargs[name] = st.from_type(hints[name]) processed_args = process_arguments_to_given( wrapped_test, arguments, kwargs, generator_arguments, generator_kwargs, argspec, test, settings ) arguments, kwargs, test_runner, search_strategy = processed_args runner = getattr(search_strategy, 'runner', None) if isinstance(runner, TestCase) and test.__name__ in dir(TestCase): msg = ('You have applied @given to the method %s, which is ' 'used by the unittest runner but is not itself a test.' ' This is not useful in any way.' % test.__name__) fail_health_check(settings, msg, HealthCheck.not_a_test_method) if bad_django_TestCase(runner): # pragma: no cover # Covered by the Django tests, but not the pytest coverage task raise InvalidArgument( 'You have applied @given to a method on %s, but this ' 'class does not inherit from the supported versions in ' '`hypothesis.extra.django`. Use the Hypothesis variants ' 'to ensure that each example is run in a separate ' 'database transaction.' % qualname(type(runner)) ) state = StateForActualGivenExecution( test_runner, search_strategy, test, settings, random, had_seed=wrapped_test._hypothesis_internal_use_seed ) reproduce_failure = \ wrapped_test._hypothesis_internal_use_reproduce_failure if reproduce_failure is not None: expected_version, failure = reproduce_failure if expected_version != __version__: raise InvalidArgument(( 'Attempting to reproduce a failure from a different ' 'version of Hypothesis. This failure is from %s, but ' 'you are currently running %r. Please change your ' 'Hypothesis version to a matching one.' ) % (expected_version, __version__)) try: state.execute(ConjectureData.for_buffer( decode_failure(failure)), print_example=True, is_final=True, ) raise DidNotReproduce( 'Expected the test to raise an error, but it ' 'completed successfully.' ) except StopTest: raise DidNotReproduce( 'The shape of the test data has changed in some way ' 'from where this blob was defined. Are you sure ' "you're running the same test?" ) except UnsatisfiedAssumption: raise DidNotReproduce( 'The test data failed to satisfy an assumption in the ' 'test. Have you added it since this blob was ' 'generated?' ) execute_explicit_examples( test_runner, test, wrapped_test, settings, arguments, kwargs ) if settings.max_examples <= 0: return if not ( Phase.reuse in settings.phases or Phase.generate in settings.phases ): return try: if isinstance(runner, TestCase) and hasattr(runner, 'subTest'): subTest = runner.subTest try: setattr(runner, 'subTest', fake_subTest) finally: setattr(runner, 'subTest', subTest) else: except BaseException: generated_seed = \ wrapped_test._hypothesis_internal_use_generated_seed if generated_seed is not None and not state.failed_normally: if running_under_pytest: report(( 'You can add @seed(%(seed)d) to this test or run ' 'pytest with --hypothesis-seed=%(seed)d to ' 'reproduce this failure.') % { 'seed': generated_seed},) else: report(( 'You can add @seed(%d) to this test to reproduce ' 'this failure.') % (generated_seed,)) raise for attrib in dir(test): if not (attrib.startswith('_') or hasattr(wrapped_test, attrib)): setattr(wrapped_test, attrib, getattr(test, attrib)) wrapped_test.is_hypothesis_test = True if hasattr(test, '_hypothesis_internal_settings_applied'): # Used to check if @settings is applied twice. wrapped_test._hypothesis_internal_settings_applied = True wrapped_test._hypothesis_internal_use_seed = getattr( test, '_hypothesis_internal_use_seed', None ) wrapped_test._hypothesis_internal_use_settings = getattr( test, '_hypothesis_internal_use_settings', None ) or Settings.default wrapped_test._hypothesis_internal_use_reproduce_failure = getattr( test, '_hypothesis_internal_use_reproduce_failure', None ) return wrapped_test return run_test_with_generator
[docs]def find( specifier, # type: SearchStrategy condition, # type: Callable[[Any], bool] settings=None, # type: Settings random=None, # type: Any database_key=None, # type: bytes ): # type: (...) -> Any """Returns the minimal example from the given strategy ``specifier`` that matches the predicate function ``condition``.""" settings = settings or Settings( max_examples=2000, max_shrinks=2000, ) settings = Settings(settings, suppress_health_check=HealthCheck.all()) if database_key is None and settings.database is not None: database_key = function_digest(condition) if not isinstance(specifier, SearchStrategy): raise InvalidArgument( 'Expected SearchStrategy but got %r of type %s' % ( specifier, type(specifier).__name__ )) specifier.validate() search = specifier random = random or new_random() successful_examples = [0] last_data = [None] last_repr = [None] def template_condition(data): with BuildContext(data): try: data.is_find = True result = data.draw(search) data.note(result) success = condition(result) except UnsatisfiedAssumption: data.mark_invalid() if success: successful_examples[0] += 1 if settings.verbosity >= Verbosity.verbose: if not successful_examples[0]: report( u'Tried non-satisfying example %s' % (nicerepr(result),)) elif success: if successful_examples[0] == 1: last_repr[0] = nicerepr(result) report(u'Found satisfying example %s' % (last_repr[0],)) last_data[0] = data elif ( sort_key(hbytes(data.buffer)) < sort_key(last_data[0].buffer) ) and nicerepr(result) != last_repr[0]: last_repr[0] = nicerepr(result) report(u'Shrunk example to %s' % (last_repr[0],)) last_data[0] = data if success and not data.frozen: data.mark_interesting() start = time.time() runner = ConjectureRunner( template_condition, settings=settings, random=random, database_key=database_key, ) note_engine_for_statistics(runner) run_time = time.time() - start if runner.interesting_examples: data = ConjectureData.for_buffer( list(runner.interesting_examples.values())[0].buffer) with BuildContext(data): return data.draw(search) if runner.valid_examples == 0 and ( runner.exit_reason != ExitReason.finished ): if settings.timeout > 0 and run_time > settings.timeout: raise Timeout(( # pragma: no cover 'Ran out of time before finding enough valid examples for ' '%s. Only %d valid examples found in %.2f seconds.' ) % ( get_pretty_function_description(condition), runner.valid_examples, run_time)) else: raise Unsatisfiable( 'Unable to satisfy assumptions of %s.' % (get_pretty_function_description(condition),) ) raise NoSuchExample(get_pretty_function_description(condition))